Call of the Action Alliance Against the NATO Security Conference 2025
Capable of peace instead of war-ready!
Call of the Action Alliance Against the NATO Security Conference 2025
Demonstration and more on February 15, 2025 in Munich
From February 14 to 16, 2025, the "Munich Security Conference" will take place. Once again, arms dealers, corporate executives, war strategists, military officials, and politicians from around the world will meet at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof. Their focus is not on the security and peaceful coexistence of people, but on their own power positions and the security of capital.
The foreign policy doctrine of the USA aims to maintain its position as the only military superpower. It demands the enforcement of US interests without regard for international organizations, norms, and treaties, with the early use of military force. NATO coordinates and consolidates the military capabilities of its member states and acts as an instrument of global power maintenance.
The still-existing global dominance of the West is increasingly being questioned. It results from the imperialistic division of the world in past centuries. This division allowed for the unrestricted exploitation of human labor and access to natural resources; it is the source of immense wealth. Today, 0.1% of the world population owns 80% of global capital. Instead of facing their historical responsibility and making reparations, the imperial legacy is asserted with economic power and military force. Since 2022, 28 wars and armed conflicts have taken place. Massacres, destruction, the misery of refugees, hatred, terror, and genocides are commonplace.
Defend freedom of speech - no criminalization of the peace movement!
The federal government is abusing the public's legitimate fear of war to replace the desire for peace with the militarization of society. Pistorius wants to make us all war-ready. The federal government is once again reaching for German hegemony in Europe. Their propagandistic narrative is that European neighbors are thirsting for "German leadership." On the political agenda is the reintroduction of conscription, coercive measures against deserters, the Bundeswehr Act, the presence of the Bundeswehr in schools and universities, and the commissioning of science for the arms industry.
No to US missiles in Germany – negotiate instead of shoot!
Behind closed doors, the Federal Chancellor agreed at the last Munich Security Conference to the deployment of American intermediate-range missiles in Germany. This plan disturbs the peaceful coexistence of peoples and violates Article 26, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law. These are offensive weapons with which, within the framework of NATO, American first-strike capabilities for a decapitation strike against Russia are to be installed. Should a military confrontation between NATO and Russia occur, their use would be the beginning of World War III, which would also mean the end of human life on our planet; and not just because of the use of atomic bombs and other weapons of mass destruction. The use of artificial intelligence unleashes a new dimension of warfare that is beyond human control.
The peace movement condemns the expansion of NATO as well as the ignorance and complicity of the federal government towards the suffering of all oppressed peoples from Palestine across Sudan, Yemen, Lebanon, to Congo and many other countries. We condemn every attempt to resolve conflicts militarily, as none of these wars or genocides are about defense, but always about gaining power and territorial gains. The bombing of the civilian population and their displacement violate humanitarian international law. We are against the war in Ukraine, against the genocide in Gaza and Lebanon, and against the war and ethnic cleansing by Turkey in northern and eastern Syria (Rojava - West Kurdistan). The ongoing military attacks by NATO partner Turkey on the Kurds and their occupation policy must be viewed and condemned as war crimes! – Turkey's attacks violate international law! The ongoing genocide and the expropriations, oppression, and violence against the Palestinians by Israel and its occupation policy since 1948 also constitute a continuous violation of international law and the Human Rights Convention. The delivery of arms to all war zones must be stopped immediately! Weapons must fall silent, negotiations must take place.
Social up, armament down!
Instead of being war-ready, society must become capable of peace! This includes the denunciation of the reawakening of nationalism, racism, and warmongering. The funds spent on armament are missing where there is a real societal need, such as combating child poverty. In Germany, one in five children grows up in poverty. This shows the ruthlessness with which the ruling class destroys social wealth. The inflation of the defense budget must end; achieving the two-percent target belongs in the trash heap of history. Tax money should go where it is needed: into the social systems, healthcare, education system, climate and species protection, and the expansion of public infrastructure.
More and more weapons and arms exports intensify and prolong wars. They lead to more casualties, hunger, and destruction. Instead, there needs to be cooperation between states, strong United Nations, and a revival of the OSCE.
The military seclusion of wealthy states is a result of a property-preserving and racist asylum policy. This diverts attention from the central problems and causes of societal conflicts and plays into the hands of neo-fascists. The peace movement defends the right to asylum and equal treatment for all refugees. Human rights are inviolable.
Our demands are:
- Ceasefire and negotiations to end all wars!
- No weapons to Ukraine, Israel, and Turkey!
- Stop all arms exports!
- For a just peace in the Middle East!
- No support for the genocide in Palestine by the federal government!
- Protection of civilians and compliance with international humanitarian law!
- No cooperation with war criminals and perpetrators of genocide!
- War promoters to court!
- No deployment of intermediate-range missiles in Germany!
- No nuclear sharing!
- No participation in wars and no foreign deployments of the Bundeswehr!
- Immunity for whistleblowers!
- Right to stay for conscientious objectors and deserters!
- No to conscription!
- Bundeswehr out of schools and universities!
- Money for education, social affairs, environmental and climate protection!
- Disarmament instead of armament!
- Social up, armaments down!
- Against European policy of isolation!
We need your support: Join our protests and/or support us with a donation.
Action Alliance Against the NATO Security Conference
www.sicherheitskonferenz.de or www.antisiko.de
Statements of Support:
(The support on antisiko.de and here at sicherheitskonferenz.de is synchronized)
Individuals: 30 euros - or more, Small groups: 50 euros - or more, larger organizations: 70,- Euro - oder mehr
Michaela Amiri, IBAN: DE37 7007 0324 0067 2261 00 BIC: .. Stichwort: SIKO 2025
Support as well per E-Mail: gegen@sicherheitskonferenz.de -